Banking / Finance

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The Fintech grief cycle for bankers

As a few fintech companies like Lending Club, Betterment, and others have run into some rough patches lately, it has been interesting to note some of the reactions, especially amongst bankers (that’s just shorthand, I’m looking at you too, credit union leaders). Some...

Strategic planning: Stacking the odds in your favour
Strategic planning: Stacking the odds in your favour

It’s midyear already. Halftime. Two quarters down and two to go for 2016. For many financial institutions, it’s also the start of the 2017 strategic planning season. That time when boards and senior leadership teams sit down to hash out next year’s budget; working...

Is UBI the next big thing in insurance
Is UBI the next big thing in insurance

UBI, or user based insurance, may become the new basis for personalized premium prices, as the IoT continues to grow and connect increasingly advanced technology. According to SMA Research, 36% of auto insurers will use telematics UBI by 2020. Acenture’s 2015...

How Block Chain is disrupting many industries
How Block Chain is disrupting many industries

Until recently, Blockchain was a term only known to geeks and specialists. But in the last six months, it has become a buzzword. In very simple terms Blockchain is the act of recording events in a database. The database itself is referred to as the Blockchain. Once...

The role of big data in the banking industry
The role of big data in the banking industry

The banking industry has evolved by leaps and bounds over the past decade, when it comes to operations and service delivery. Surprisingly though, most banks have failed to utilize the information within their own databases. However, that’s all about to change as the...

The three pillars of insurance analytics
The three pillars of insurance analytics

The insurance industry is all about assessing risk and managing the same successfully. Life insurance industry operates intrinsically by balancing risk assessment and risk management. Compiled with a large volume of data the insurance industry operates with, arriving...

Positive effects of big data in financial sector
Positive effects of big data in financial sector

The past number of decades have seen more and more of our world move into computers. Rare is the doctor’s office with file cabinets full of alphabetized patient folders or a company researcher hanging out at the library to get data for a client report. Today, our...

5 ways to simply kill your innovation initiative

I often write and speak about the “Business Prevention Department” that lurks inside banks. Devoted to sniffing out and stamping out anything that looks “risky”, the Business Prevention Department is staffed with members committed to “protecting” their banks from...

5 new year resolutions for innovators in banking
5 new year resolutions for innovators in banking

Here are some New Year resolutions for the growing group of bankers who are adding “innovation” to their do-to list in 2016. Getting these right will greatly improve your chances for success in the new year. 1. Define your innovation goals So, what do you want to get...

Bridging the customer experience gap
Bridging the customer experience gap

The prevailing view of most financial industry leaders over the past decade has been that internal innovation was optional at best, and probably harmful to the way they’ve been used to doing things for so long. Meanwhile, innovation bloomed on the edges and outside of...

Five things banks can learn from startups

Most bankers don’t spend a lot of time with start-up companies. The need for bankers’ loan decisions to be right 99% of the time tends to not mix well with most start-ups’ risky and voracious appetite for capital. Outside of a few bankers in Seattle, Silicon Valley,...

Sorry, but disruptive technology will kill banks
Sorry, but disruptive technology will kill banks

Allegedly, John Authers recently wrote an article in the Financial Times entitled “Disruptive technology will not kill banks“. I say allegedly because despite the article being cited and commented on by two people whose analysis and opinion I respect (Chris...

It’s too late; banking is already being disrupted

Bankers may be taking undue solace in Chris Skinner’s blog post, “Like Airlines and Pharma, Banking’s Too Big to Disrupt.” I was party to the specific round of sparring he cites in his article over whether financial technology startups will overthrow the banking...

How banks can power their loyalty programs
How banks can power their loyalty programs

I read an article on The Huffington Post the other day, about how unhappy Canadians are with their banks’ loyalty programs. It got me thinking about what Crayon is offering to the world, and just how much the world needs it. There are a lot of loyalty programs out...