Crayons Of Lockdown – Bhavani Vishweshwar

Published April 17, 2020   |   

CrayonsOfLockdown Bhavani
In the newest edition of #CrayonsOfLockdown, we have another WFH veteran and the First Lady of Finance, Bhavani who talks about the highs and lows of working from home and gives us a sneak peek into her newly acquired skill.
How does it feel to work from home on an extended basis? Mystudytable Bhavani Vishweshwar
I am a WFH veteran. While I definitely enjoy the fact that there is no travel time, I miss the office camaraderie. Insanely jealous of ladies meets, Diwali parties etc. ..:). On a serious note, I think WFH needs stricter personal discipline in terms of beginning work hours, in terms of not getting distracted, in terms of taking scheduled breaks in between the day, limiting your fridge / kitchen visits and to know when to close your comp and call it a day. As a mother, a definite advantage is that I can keep an eye on my girls and their screen time! 
View from my study Bhavani VishweshwarWhat do you do to stay productive when working from home?
I keep my phone away sometimes, I find the phone to be a big distraction. If it’s a serious call or if I’m working on spreadsheets, I do ask my family / dog to not disturb me :). If I am working on a presentation etc., music helps me focus. 
How do you de-stress yourself while working? Cooking Bhavani Vishweshwar1
I go for a walk, there is a lovely trail close by. While I do not have the time to complete it on a working day, walking helps me clear my thoughts and refocus. Alternatively, my house faces some key roads, I look at traffic – it helps me clear the stress and get the energy back. And there is good old Indian tea, to ensure I don’t sleep off. 
What’s one new skill you’ve learnt while being on lock down?
Cooking! I have been researching recipes – sweets, baking, curries, salads. My family is terrified every time I announce I am trying something new. The rule of the house is they must like it, whatever and however it turns out!