Curate, Send, Receive feedback: 4 ways technology has made the game of email marketing very easy

Marketing   |   
Published June 29, 2020   |   

Some claim that technology is evil, while others believe that technology made their lives easy.

I am from the latter type because if it weren’t for technology, I would’ve lost business worth $1 M in a single day.

Can you believe it?

I was away on vacation, and one of the potential clients tried to contact me while I was away from my phone, enjoying the sea, the sunrise at Hawaii Island.

Before booking his flight, he emailed me that he is paying a visit to close the deal of worth $1 M.

It’s my standard practice that I use auto-responders in emails whenever I leave my office.

My client got the auto-response that I am the way. Not just that, a follow-up email was sent that he can reach me on a private number, and I’ll be back after a week.

If it’s not for technology and email, I would have cursed myself for going on that vacation. The client would have visited, and with no contact, I would’ve lost the deal even before it began.

It was then that I realized how much email has helped me in my business. For those who believe that email is old, I feel sorry for them (If you have friends who believe the same, kindly forward this blog post to them).

I was coming back to the point where I was about to reveal the advantages of email and how technology has helped in the growth of email.

Holy-Cow – the smart auto-responders

Do you know that intelligent auto-responders can give a boost to your business?

Gone are the times when people use auto-responders just to send a robotic email. Now, with advanced AI-technology, even the auto-responders are smart.

Firstly, when you plan your auto-responders, the open-rate will be high. At least the customer or the client will know that someone is listening to them or interacting with them.

When you listen to clients, it will build trust, and they’ll be happy to do business with you.

As per Neil Patel, a smart auto-responder consists of three things: A hunch, test, and emulation.

You can schedule your auto-responder on certain days and test how the customers respond to it.  Based on that feedback, you can make the necessary changes in your auto-responder and send it again.

You even have to do dynamic segmentation of users if you want to get the best out of auto-responders.

  1. Store it in the clouds

Previously, only a handful of retailers received massive emails. But with more businesses online, the numbers escalated to millions. We are living in a troubled world.

Being able to send emails to a large segment is a challenge. In response to this, companies are taking help from services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.

Rather than just waiting to upgrade your hosting plan, the email traffic bursts can easily be managed by storing data in the cloud.

The result is that marketers now have unlimited space to send customers tens of thousands of emails in just a few minutes, and the best part is all at a manageable cost.

  1. Enhanced Communication

Do you know that the conversation rate of email primarily depends upon how to start an email?

From the moment the customer read the email subject line to the moment he starts reading your email, there is a chance for you to enhance the communication and take it to the next level where it’s easy to persuade.

We’ve already talked about how auto-responders can help. But there is more to the story.

With email tools, brands can now analyze, monitor, and understand the buying pattern of their potential users. This helps them in iterating a better communication with the customer and the client.

Say, you created a successful email marketing campaign. After you save your email marketing campaign, it will be easy to send emails that customers will love to read and respond to.

In a way, technology has helped businesses monitor, analyze, and create customized emails for their target audience.

With the right data, brands can easily create emails that will be opened and acted upon for sure.

  1. Improved Customer Support

No business can live without their clients and customers. That’s why to succeed in business; improving customer service is a sure-shot way to get ahead of your competitor.

The advancement in technology has enabled brands to turn angry customers into a happy one in no time.

A satisfied customer will love to act on your email, and an angry customer will be pleased if you offer some compensation in the email.

When it comes to satisfying customers, email is still the best medium to communicate and stay in touch with customers.

And email is responsible for building trust among the customers and announcing product launch, taking feedback from the customer on the new product, and listen to an angry customer when no one feels like listening to them.

To sum it up

Email is not going anywhere soon. If you are not taking help from email marketing, then your competitors will beat you, and you won’t even know what went wrong.

Email marketing is not a choice anymore. Your target audience might not be on Facebook or Twitter, but everyone is now on email. And technology has shaped the way we send and receive emails.

It is necessary to understand the importance of email and how including it in your business strategy can help big time. There is enormous potential in email, and if weren’t for technology, email would not have been so advanced.

For people who still think that email is obsolete, I am again feeling sorry for them. Because email has helped my business more times than I can count on my fingers, it is time that you start using email and realize how important email is in your industry.