How to increase the cyber security of your business

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Published June 19, 2020   |   

Data security is a matter of paramount importance in the modern era, and that is especially true for businesses. Businesses of all kinds trade in data, in a sense, because data is the insight businesses use in order to determine the most effective means by which to market their products, among other things. However, the value of data makes it an enticing target to hackers, and that necessitates an ever increasing focus of cyber security. Here are some tips to help you keep your business’s data safe from attackers.

Understanding Encryption and Decryption Is the Key

Encryption is the process of reconfiguring data in order to distort its meaning, and decryption is the process of converting it back into its original, legible form. The reason for these security steps is fairly simple; as the data in question moves from one place to another over the internet, it can be intercepted by illicit actors. Encryption renders the data totally useless during transit, assuming that potential hackers don’t have the cipher with which to decrypt it. You may be surprised to know that encryption is part of the everyday internet browsing process thanks to TLS, but then the question is “what is TLS?”

Transported Layer Security, or TLS, is one of two primary methods of encrypting and decrypting internet data during transit, the other being SSL, which stands for Secure Socket Layer. These two methods of encryption and decryption are the two frontrunners of internet data security, and either one of the two is likely to be seen appended to HTTP browsing infrastructure. The phrase “HTTPS” is evidence of the presence of one of these two added security measures and lets you know that your information is safe.

“Encrypt” Your Passwords

Password security remains a weak link in cyber security, and there is one major reason for this. In order to easily remember one’s password, one typically opts for a password that is easy for others to guess, and people often use the same password for a variety of platforms and devices. The latter means that if a password is guessed, a given user is compromised not only on one site, but also several others. This can mean that even a compromise to a private account such as Facebook can create a problem for business networks by association. Therefore, employees should be required to generate indecipherable passwords using modern guidelines in order to make them much more difficult, if not impossible, for a hacker to crack. Writing down these passwords and keeping them in a safe place is wise, as it offsets how much more difficult it will become to remember them.

Avoiding Malware is Crucial

Malware, such as viruses, typically affect one or more aspects of the functionality of your device, but they also often hide more insidious purposes that are aimed at giving hackers access to your personal or business data. This means that avoiding this harmful kind of software is imperative, especially because they are programmed to resist being removed from a system. Antivirus and antimalware software is a must, as this kind of software can help you preemptively remove and/or quarantine unwanted and harmful software, but there are also ways to potentially avoid these traps entirely.

Primarily, one should avoid sites they are not familiar with, as they may be hiding malware. However, visiting new websites is often an essential part of the job, so it can’t always be helped. When you find yourself in uncharted waters, be wary of downloading anything. Malware is a successful method of compromising systems because they can be disguised as more established, less nefarious downloads, often as recommended browser updates. Learning to spot fraudulent claims like these is the single best way to avoid malware, but having a keen eye for fraudulent content and using security software are both essential for overall security.

Keeping data out of the wrong hands can be a full time job. It must be done, however, in order to keep your company competitive, and even individuals can benefit tremendously from enhanced cyber security. With these tips in mind, you’re prepared to engineer a robust security infrastructure in order to stay out of harm’s way.