How to secure your online customer data effectively?

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Published August 31, 2020   |   

In this age of growing technology where data is at risk in any form, protecting your customer’s information has become crucial for brands. But why is data so essential for your organization? It is crucial because data helps you harness data and lets you improve the customer experience. It also aids you in accelerating growth and maximizes your profit.

But, what is customer Data?

Customer data are those who refer to personal, demographic and behavioural data collected by the brands while dealing with their customers. These data are collected with the aim of gaining valuable insights about their customer, which would help them in the future while targeting them with ad campaigns.

Customer data is also an integral part of a brand’s asset. As it helps you in understanding your customer and their desires in a better way. And each and everything that you collect from your customer during an ongoing sales process is known as customer data. But, there are four major types of customer data which are

Basic data: Basic data are the standard data fields in CRM. For instance, a customer’s name, gender, income and all kinds of firmographic data are considered as basic customer data.

Interaction data: The data which is collected during an engagement or interaction with a customer by a brand are called customer interaction data. These data are usually collected during the buying journey of a customer.

Behavioural data: This data is those which informs you about the customer’s experience with your product or service. Such as free trial sign-ups, feature uses, user account logins and more.

Attitudinal data: This data lets you evaluate a customer’s mind and his thinking. Attitudinal customer data can be collected through online feedback forms or surveys.

Also, these data are collected with the consent of the customer where you promise to keep their data safe and secured. So, when it comes to protecting your customer data, data security is a significant aspect of your consideration.

And data security is even to keep your data safe from hackers and unwanted cyber-attacks. Which is why data security is the need of the hour.

And here are five simple ways to keep your customer data safe

Always remind yourself your data is a target

It is the last that you want to assume that it can’t happen to your brand. You should know that Complacency is the easiest way to become open to risk for cyber attacks. Mostly half of all cyber-attacks are targeted at small businesses. And it is successful because of the assumption and poor safety practices.

In reality, small businesses have lesser data resources as compared to bigger companies. Hence, they think that their data would hardly matter to hackers. But, whenever you are doing serious business, you have to be careful about your customer’s data.

Install and update your security software regularly

You must consider investing in antivirus or cybersecurity software. And when it comes to hacking issues its best that you trust the professionals than to try it on your own. Few of popular antivirus which can help you are Kaspersky, Avast or Bitdefender.

All these software, as mentioned above, are easy to install and most importantly, you must update it from time to time. The reason why you should keep your software updated is that you leave no scope for any unwanted risks and compromise on your customer’s information. Though, it can be bugging you sometimes to schedule your updates and reboot your system.

It would be best if you used Strong Passwords

This is an essential step, and you shouldn’t take this lightly. So, you must always create a strong password to block out your hackers. Whether it is for a personal or official mail or your website, you must utilize a strong password.

But, how can you ensure that your password is the strongest? Well, make use of a password generator which can help you set a robust password. And when you are using a powerful password, you are in the safest zone. Also, as these passwords are not easy to remember, you should take a password management service to keep track of it.

Reduce outside access with private networks and servers

Well, no wonder how vital customer data is to its business owners. So, you might want to put as many obstacles as possible between your customer data and the hackers. Therefore one of the best ideas to keep your data safe is to move your data to a secured private server or network.

And you have your own control over your server and private network which would ensure you who can access it and reduce the chance of an outsider’s interference. Moreover, you and your IT department can keep track of everything going on in the servers and the networks.

Always keep testing your Vulnerabilities

Another essential step of data security is you yourself keep a check of your vulnerabilities. As you generate your passwords, install and update your software and also get going with your private networks, you have to keep on testing them.

Well, you can do this by appointing an ethical hacker and get your systems checked by him. Customer data is an invaluable resource, and you can’t afford to lose them.

So, we are talking about internet security, your customer’s trust and safety of their personal data. You do not want to put them on risk knowingly. Hence, you must keep up with all the security measures needed to protect your customer data.

Also, you must remember that when a customer is sharing their personal data with you, they are putting their trust in you. So, when you could not afford to keep it safe, you lose your customers and sales too.

Apart from all the above ways, you also have to be alert, run the daily virus and malware scans on your machines and systems. Also regularly keep a check that your customer data is protected and safe.